Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How Can I Find a Good Name for My Business?

Mike Michalowicz, author of The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, with three tips to help you decide on a business name.Video on Finding a Great Business Name

Thursday, June 30, 2011

7 life lessons from the very wealthy

 You may need to sign in/create a profile on the Washington Post to view the article. 

Click Here for The Article

Insights: How to Enchant Customers

Guy Kawasaki, author of 'Enchantment,' talks about how to turn customers into fans.
Click Here for the Video

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Five Creative Ways to Find Your Passion

Want to start a business, but not sure what to pursue? Here's how to discover what you love.
Find Your Passion

Friday, June 3, 2011

Millionaire Mindset

The Millionaire Mindset
There are key differences between the way rich people look at money and the way the rest of us do, according to Siebold:
  • Wealthy people look at money in positive terms and as an opportunity, where as most of us live in fear of being laid off or not having enough money for retirement.
  • Instead of worrying about running out of money, soon to be millionaires are thinking how to make more money. World-class performers are finding problems that are profitable to solve. They know that just because a solution hasn't been discovered yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
  • Millionaires tend to move towards what they want, rather than move away from what they don't want, which is what the masses most often do.
  • World-class thinkers have the guts to be optimistic right now in these shaky times and reject the middle-class cynicism that plagues the masses. It's not comfortable for a millionaire in the making to forge ahead when everyone around him or her is negative, cynical and unsupportive, yet the great ones push forward and are rewarded with riches for the rest of their lives.
Siebold's bottom line: "Take inventory of your consciousness and the way you think about money and ask yourself: Is this the way a rich person thinks or someone in the middle class thinks about money?"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

100 Brilliant Companies

There are some incredible companies and innovators in our world today.  Check out this article on some truly brilliant companies from the hottest industries.

100 brilliant companies

Friday, May 6, 2011

10 Blogs Entrepreneurs Need to Read

These are some great websites/blogs to follow if your interested in entrepreneurship.  Some of the best insight comes from others and this is a good place to start.

10 Blogs Entrepreneurs Should Read

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Attention to detail

Richard Branson on attention to detail when it comes to starting a business.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Think Outside The Box

 I found this on Stumbleupon.com, which is a great site to explore things you may not have found on your own.  Although this is not business related, it does make you think about possibilities.  If you are given a challenge there is always a way to make it different and think outside the box.  Plus this guy has a really cool apartment.


Friday, April 22, 2011

The Idea

When it comes to thinking of a new business idea there are a few things to consider.  Its not about coming up with something that will revolutionize the world or creating the next supercomputer.  Unless you find yourself similar to Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg, try not to get down on yourself for not coming up with a ground breaking idea.  Instead, try thinking about whys to improve a current idea or solve a problem. Constant improvement is the name of the game and will get you thinking.  Check out this article on the inventor of Silly Bandz for some ideas.http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/217709

Thursday, April 21, 2011


If you are starting a new business you have the opportunity to make a strategic and creative decision about the brand.  Knowing what to focus on when it comes to making a stance on positioning and brand management can be difficult.  Try to think about what makes your product different, the same and why it will last longer than competitors.   Check out this article on naming your business.  http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/21774-1

Some great books to read on business!


Watch this and look at yourself...life is not so bad..keep moving


Best New Gadgets for Business!
